Stanislas Lahaut, Etcetera, 2018, zinc and varnish, 56,5 x 41,5 x 9,5 cm

Stanislas Lahaut, Etcetera, 2018, zinc and varnish, 56,5 x 41,5 x 9,5 cm

Severity of a Salty Surge

Group show with works by:

Opening: Fri. April 13
April 14 - May 20 2018

A salty surge leaves a trace. Different layers are created that will ultimately influence her environment and path. giving the opportunity to create new forms in its adapted environment.

Multidisciplinary artists such as Thomas Kratz, Stanislas Lahaut and Charlie De Voet often work according to the environment, the spaciousness in which they find themselves. From this they draw inspiration and leave a trace in their work. A trail that will often express itself in a multitude of layers in a literal and figurative way.

Thomas Kratz (DE, 1972) The works of Kratz are often playing with the idea of the painting as a mirror, than with the old and traditional idea of the painting as a window to the world. Much in the way Kratz emphasizes the physicality of his paintings, he also incorporates the physical environment and architecture of the places where his work is shown. The exhibition space becomes a pictorial space, either inspired or defined by the color of the space’s walls. Thomas Kratz creates a language of objects and gestures that is highly diverse, but which in its totality speaks of the contingencies and rituals of art.

Charlie De Voet (BE, 1977) often shows occasional, temporary series of several individual works right next to one another, in order to let them interact with each other, with the space or with the audience. Thus they appear as confined, rythmic units or collectives that seem to bear and enhance a logic, a message and/or a poetry of their own.

Stanislas Lahaut (BE, 1979) Lahaut uses small things, almost insignificant things,
to make well-aimed digs at contemporary man and his state of indifference.
Lahaut uses playfulness as a strategy for broaching serious and essential matters.
His works and installations are characterized by his tragicomic yet poetic approach of daily life and the absurd mechanisms of the (art) world.



Penitentenstraat 29 | 9000 Gent | Belgium | +32.9.391.39.13
open from Thu. - Sun. 2 - 6pm | 7/7 by appointment